Silent words

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Every time you get a text, you hope it’s from her or him. You unlock your phone to find that it’s a text in your friends’ group. You become disappointed, and just about you’re about to put aside your phone, that text from that person, which you have been waiting for appears.

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Happiness… a single word that we all chase after. But only few gets it. Why is that? Why can’t we all be happy? What is causing us depression? What is the reason for all those long hours of crying at 2 A.M? The answer to all of these questions is nothing but our understanding.

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What is Love? feeling? emotion? reaction? Turns out, it’s something more than what that one word can signify.

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Ever wondered what the secret to success is? It’s YOU. Yes, “YOU”, not the person you want to become, but the person you are.

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